
The University agreed to send me down to Sydney.
I was housed in Waterloo high rise.
It was not long before the neighbours would work out that I
was gay, a public housing tenant. and therefore an AIDS carrier.
They warned everyone.
The children up the hall on their tricycles would say "dirty
man" as I walked past.
I could hear from my flat the primary school children
playing a game called "poof bash" down on the sand pit.
Some of the boys down the hall, Alex and his friends, had
decided to kill a poof.
They were convicted for murder.
The Waterloo boys and girls thought that these murderers were
their heroes.
They did not think that it was wrong to kill a poof.
A year later I was to receive a death threat written in
red pencil.
It is fun to play with colour pencils, isn't it?
The note was slid under my door in the middle of the night.
The note said:
"your dead poof"
I wonder who taught then to spell?

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